Celebrating Rev. Heather’s Ministry

Save the Date: June 9, 2024

In just about two months, we will extend a heartfelt farewell to Rev. Heather as our minister. It will certainly be a bittersweet moment for our congregation filled with smiles, hugs and even a few tears. A small team has begun the planning process to honor and acknowledge Heather’s many contributions to WUS. Please make note of the date: June 9th, which coincides with the end of the congregational year and is also our annual Flower Communion service. On that day, we will also celebrate Heather with an extra-special potluck lunch in Metcalf Hall after the service. Other plans are taking shape, including various opportunities for everyone to participate. Stay tuned! In the upcoming weeks, we will be sharing details about how to do that. 


Marcy Tompson, Dennis Brett and Stephen Perepeluk 

Team H’s Planning Committee

Green-veined white Butterfly – Pieris napi sucks nectar with its trunk from the blossom of Origanum vulgare – Oregano or wild Marjoram