Pledge Update 4/11/24

While the marketing campaign of our pledge drive has ended, we fully expect pledges to keep coming in! You may have received a gentle reminder email from Liz Scott if you have not yet made a pledge. We won’t forget you because WUS needs your support!

We have made great progress. As of April 8, 2024, our pledges total $383,801, including the Standing Committee’s matching contributions for new pledgers. We have reached 75% of our participation goal and 90% of our fundraising goal.

To pledge online, please click here. If you are interested in financial information about the WUS budget and pledge drive, please click here.

As the tree breathes out, we breathe in. As the tree breathes in, we breathe out, and we grow, together.

Thank you for your contributions to the future financial health of WUS.

John Healey and Liz Scott, Pledge Team

Bradley Steele, Treasurer