Topic: Healing & recovery

Nurture Your Spirit

Mother’s Day can be a complex holiday. Yet, there is simple goodness in the archtypal Mother, the nurturer. This meditative service will center experiences that invite us into comfort, healing and peace. “Wading in the Water” May 10, 2020 The Rev. Heather Janules How are you? This is a seemingly simple, three-word question. How are … Continue reading Nurture Your Spirit

To Remember, To Heal and To Reconcile: A Veterans Day Service

Our country honors our veterans on November 11th each year. This 11/11 service will reflect on the journey many veterans take when they return home from war and the possibilities born of healing and reconciliation between people of opposing nations. We will also acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the World War I armistice and the … Continue reading To Remember, To Heal and To Reconcile: A Veterans Day Service